What is Air Freight

  Air freight is another term for air cargo that is, the shipment of goods through an air carrier. Air transport services are the most valuable when it comes to moving express shipments around the globe. Just like commercial or passenger airlines, air freight flies in the same gateways.

Pickup Drop-Off Service

How can I ship my air freight With Caraex?

Our team of experts gets your cargo on a pickup booking request or a drop-off at our office location. your cargo gets checked, packed, and labeled. You will be given an invoice receipt containing the cargo tracking number, your details, and the receiver’s details, same information will be available on your dashboard on caraex.com.

With a few simple clicks, you can place your booking via our platform. caraex.com is an innovation supercharged and linked with many air cargo carriers airlines and one of the world’s largest and most reliable logistics companies.

enter the senders and the receivers details, the shipping from and to location and enter your shipment details, the price will be calculated based on the location and load.

After all details include, the pickup date and time. upload an Image of the shipment and place a booking a member of the our team will get back to you. Or you can drop your shipping at any nearest office location.

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